The Great Salt Pond
Photo Scavenger Hunt–4

July 15–August 7, 2023

What’s FREE, FUN, EASY and had 62 WINNERS last summer? The Great Salt Pond Photo Scavenger Hunt. What did they win? The popular CGSP hat (see photo to the right). If you have a cell phone or digital camera you too can play in 2023 because the HUNT IS ON AGAIN. The oldest winner has been 72 and the youngest was 10. This year’s phrase is DINGHY DOCK.


  • Take photos with your iPhone or digital camera of 10 objects whose first letter spells out DINGHY DOCK. An example would be to take a photo of a DOG which give us the “D” in DINGHY DOCK. A photo of an INSECT which gives us the letter “I” and so on until you spell out DINGHY DOCK.

  • Then prepare your email. Attach your 10 photos and include an explanation on how each photo represents the letter. Example: Photo of Dog represents first letter “D” of DINGHY DOCK.

  • Send email to where photos will be judged and if you have met all of the rules and qualifications you become a winner and will receive the popular CGSP HAT.


  • Photo must be taken 25 yards or less from the Great Salt Pond and must include the Pond. You may bring objects to the Pond.

  • Photos of the same object may not be used to achieve letters by members of the same family.

  • Separate photo for each letter, no duplicates.

  • Color may not be used as the first word in an object. Example: Red Apple is still an Apple and thus the letter “R”is not acceptable. The “O” in Orange would be acceptable because an orange is an object.

  • You may not use “Dog”, “Insect”, “Dinghy” or “Dock.”

Don’t forget to include your name, address, phone number, plus your willingness to pick up your hat on the Island when we send you the directions. Any questions, email:

CGSP hats may also be purchased separately for $30.00 

The 2022 Photo Gallery has some fun, creative and amazing snapshots.