For 36 Years, the Committee for the Great Salt Pond Has Been a steward of Block Island’s Most Important Natural Resource: The Great Salt Pond.
The Great Salt Pond, with its shorelines and wetlands, provides Block Island with a beautiful sheltered harbor that is a haven for recreation. The rich, diverse, and fragile ecosystem deserves protection from over-development. The Committee for the Great Salt Pond was founded in 1986 to protect this resource through education, legislation, legal defense and advocacy to balance the recreational, environmental and commercial forces on and around the pond.
To protect and enhance the environmental quality of the Great Salt Pond and its watershed, including its shoreline and wetlands, and to promote appropriate and productive uses of the Pond’s resources by residents, visitors and local businesses.
Keep it clean! Keep it safe! Keep it great!
To Help Us Protect the Great Salt Pond,
please donate by clicking the button below.
Important 2025 Dates
CGSP Swim-10 – Saturday, July 26, 2025 | Swim at 11:00 am & Youth Swim at 9:30 am
CGSP Annual Meeting – Sunday, September 7, 2025 | The Narragansett Inn at 4:00 pm